Frank Herbert said you can move a planet with a big enough lever. OK, so what about prising two kids off the couch when enjoying summer holidays playing Wii in air conditioned comfort? The alternative being 30 humid degrees, whilst clearing a season's worth of crusty hay and cow dung out of the barn. Well it wasn't as hard as one might think. Whilst their parents were out, Tyler and Hayley were our hosts and as their guests, I asked to be taken to the barn to clean it out. So as to be accommodating hosts, they indulged our strange request somewhat to the surprise of Kelly, their dad, when he returned.
Tyler (our host for the morning), Jake (the Golden Retriever), me and Kelly, Tyler's dad, the owner of the farm and a family friend.
Nancy, Hayley (junior host one), Shaun and Tyler (junior host two) amongst the canola of their dad's farm just north of Regina in Saskatchewan.
"Life's a journey, not a destination."
It was with that in mind that God made the prairies. If you get bored crossing them it's because you're focused on the destination and not the journey.
We stopped to play "hide and seek" . . . . .
. . . . . . but with Jaffa it should really be "where's Wally."
. . . . . of course hiding Jaffa isn't anywhere near as hard as hiding this behemoth, even if he is green!
They say Alberta's so flat if your dog runs away, you can see him running for four days. But not the Badlands near Drumheller. One minute you're driving through a sea of wheat and canola the next you drop down into a valley straight from the Jurrasic period.